Girl vs. Woman

I remember the day I took this picture(Right/B&W), well someone else took it for me of course. I thought I was the absolute 'ISH that day I mean couldn't nobody tell me that I wasn't working it with my grown woman look. This picture embodies a moment in my life when everything was just so simple and organized and going in the right direction. At the moment this picture was being taken, I was attending classes as a Biology major at the fashion-ably driven Clark Atlanta University. My days were filled with going to classes and spending limitless hours in labs while my nights were filled with kickin it in study groups or singing and dancing in front of my mirror, which was strategically placed above my sink inside my dormitory. My idea of the perfect ending to a week during this time was ordering take out from Wing Zone (I was obssesed with the Jumbo Cheesy Waffle Fries) and watching a good movie on TV while purchasing whatever faniced my eye on the internet. Oh how easy the day's were when your only concern in life was passing Advanced Calculus 101. Now, fast forward to the present(Left/Color), the Mystie that I have come to grow into no longer has the same joy's or pains but has in some sorts graduated to a new category where my responsiblities revlove around making sure Georgia Power doesn't cut my lights off or trying to figure out how much money I will have left over to eat after paying my student loans. The days were no longer filled with the same sweet smell that I remembered from my collegiate days but in fact has been replaced by the funk of something worse....the real world. Shit graduating from college was a rude awakening, well for me at least. I mean I had no idea that even with a degree in 'B.S.' I would still have to struggle to obtain a job even in the Administrative World, not that I'm knocking it but I've always imagined something bigger for myself and I won't stop grinding until that dream becomes a reality. I won't cease pursuing dreams until I obtain that sweet relaxing scent again of peace of mind and ultimate success.
LoL I couldn't have summarized it better myself.
yeah the Informant and I were lied to big time, now its time for us to make things happen for ourselves! You can do it to..keep your head up!
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