"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb
Cocktails Commentary
"The power of persuasion is potent. That's why people are always trying to persuade you that they are so important. Because ego is a stimulating drug like Viagra on impotence. But to whom much is given, much is required, so prepare to suffer the consequence. That's why I ask for discernment to protect me from this entertainment con sequence. We've been had by trying to obtain what we never had, and I'm convinced. We've sold ourselves short by selling nonsense. We don't need another black hero, award show, or conference. We succeeded in our offense and forgot about defense. Now they are running up the score by keeping us poor and behind the fence. Caging us in projects to project offense and keep it gutter, so we're dirty even when we rinse. When did our feel good music become so tense? When did it become the more ignorant it is, the more it makes sense? When did we become so completely numb that we can put our kids in front of porn and not even wince. I can't even pinpoint when the changeover started, but we've been on the decline ever since. Ever since we've been struggling to pay the rent and the pain is making our teeth clench, I've been praying that my fire isn't drenched. But God has given me a glimpse. God has given us favor even in the midst of the devil's imps. And those once giant obstacles now look like shrimps. We are using those same people blowing hot air to fill our blimps. So we can rise above false pretense and look fear in it's eyes and not even flinch. Two generations ago, writing like this would have caused me to get lynched. Now voices of reason are needed more than ever, but no assistance is being lent. I'm thinking of a master plan, but still coming up with lint. I'm seeing master's plan by making us all pimps. Wounding and maiming our own people, so at an early age, we develop limps. Modern day medieval mindsets to make our daughters a wench, and sons barbaric instead of gents. Who shot ya? Who murdered our spirit to uplift each other? I'm dusting for prints...This is Cocktails coming from my home CSI cubicle. They pulled off the greatest heist of all."
Final Thought:
Your task of the week is to write down three things that you want to accomplish by the end of the summer. You are not alone! We are doing this together. Make sure that they are obtainable goals. You can accomplish your dreams slowly but surely. The first step is taking that first step.
Graduate, Find a job...and take a fabulous beach vacay...what I hope to accomplish this summer.
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