
I really don't feel like being here at work today.... but it would be kind of disrespectful on my part if I didn't show up for my last week of work. It's a fair trade though because all I do is sit at my semi-cluttered desk, which I've been meaning to clean up since I started working, and just wonder off into space and I love it....I believe that THINKING or DayDreaminG is one of my favorite past times. I get even more excited when my thoughts transform into my realities like the time when I just woke up one sunny Saturday morning and said to myself, "Self it is time for you to move back to Miami!" and that's exactly what I'm doing. The only thing that seems to be stressin me out is the actual moving process which I hate with the passion of a thousand SUNS, planning on how to properly jump the broom one day, and the next step to moving my career forward. Well, 'stressed out' is not a good word to use, so let me say that I'm 'profoundly pondering my next moves'....there now that sounds much better.
Life is so exciting to me right now because everything is in a transitioning state. People and places are constantly in motion and I'm addicted to the motions because it reminds me that I always have something that I need to do or that there is always something to look forward to doing in the mean time and in between time. However, I think the most exhilarating thing happened to me this past weekend. For the first time in a long time and believe me when I say that it has been a VERY long time I experienced something or should I say SomeOne new....and it not only opened up my body but it also opened up my mind to another side of myself that I believe was being hindered to grow for sometime and now that I have freed myself it's like my entire being is in a constant state of evolving into a more sensually-educated-sexually confident-focused woman who is persistently craving and seeking out more ways than one to empower/enlighten herself as well as the world around her.
With my last post I ended with a Final Thought stating one to write down THREE things that will be accomplished by this Summer, so let me jot down my 3 :

Mystie's 3 Goals That Will Be Accomplished by This Summer
1. Maintaining focus on my path of Happiness/Enlightenment
2. Getting signed to multiple Top Agencies
3. Booking jobs for multiple big budgeted Motion Pictures
*However, the official handwritten list surpasses just 3*
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