I AM Feelin IT
Man Oh Man!!!! What a busy month April has been for me! First and foremost, I have to shout out my parentals once again for just being the absolute SHIT and a X-TRA SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO MY MOMMY WHO TURNS 33 AGAIN TODAY!! LOL ... but as I was saying before about my parents and how the are the ISH...I'm talking about blessing baby girl with a roof over her head in her own Sunny hometown as well as a ride that I have to admit is toooooooo CUTE...I L-O-V-E my car, it's soo me and then some. OH! and on a side note my 2nd discovery of the month was given courtsey of a unknown woman that I was fortunate enough to run into while VINTAGE shopping in Little 5.....ladies and gentlemen I have just discovered ACID JAZZ and dammit I think I's in love again especially with a artist by the name of Esthero, her album entitled Wicked lil Girls is CRAZY and her intro entitled We R in NEed of A mUsicAl Revolution is the SHITTTTT!!! If you can't tell I am very High right now, NO, not that kind of high but the kind that can only be transmitted through love and happiness and all that good shit but other than that I need to stop frontin and acting like my ass isn't tired..cause it is and I feel like I have fulfilled my quota in using the potty word SHIT for now so until then...Peace and Love and may you all be blessed with having GOOD SEX :) or at least some form of it :p
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