WeLComE to MiAmI !!!!!!!
Who's Hungry? :
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
-Alvin Toffler
Damn it feels G-O-O-D to be Home! so good I almost forgot about my precious lil'blog. Ahhhhh life is sweet right now I guess I could say that I am on a little mini vacation but I gotta soak up this "White Heat" as much as possible because before I know it I will be headed back to the A. Hey! I just realized that I have become Bi-Coastal and didn't even know it. God is too good and the weather in Miami is very consistent which is what I could never say for Atlanta. Since I've been back I've managed to get a surprisingly 15 shades darker which really did me jusitce from all that coldness I had to endure. My thoughts are so random right now its rare that I have a moment when I'm thinking about just one thing...well I do think about one thing in particular but I'm gonna do my part on keeping this entry away from the XXX catergory but nevertheless my families good AND my Homegirls!!! haven't seen these heffas in like six years and they look absolutely stunning. I don't care what anybody says MIAMI,FL has some of the flyyest Chicas in the World and I'm not just saying that cause I was born and raised here but when I see the truth dammnit I have to speak on it LOL. Well, I'm off.. South Beach waits for no woman and my dinero is burning a much needed hole in my pocket until next time and trust that there will definitely be a next time. Peace and Smooches :P